Guatemala - Lake Atitlan and serendipity meeting some favorite people.

A little story about serendipity. This happened tonight.

I need a new tire, found a place that had one and they installed it. (BTW, would have cost me about $250+ in the U.S. - here 850Q or $111.00 U.S.!).


I wanted to see how it felt so I rode down to a beach here in Panajachel that is accessible by a little, rough dirt road. I rode down to the water and sat on my bike to watch the sun set over the volcanoes, as I do most nights here.


I pass this couple walking their German Shepherd, a dog not common to see at all here in Guatemala. It runs past me in front of the couple I see approaching me in my rear view mirror. Dog runs into the lake and starts swimming out far chasing ducks it will never catch.

As this beautiful German Shepherd runs by me I notice its collar which is intricate, colorful and uniquely Guatemalan.

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So rewind a few years. I'm in Eatontown, New Jersey Google'ing ways to transport a dog on a motorcycle and I come across this couple that ride with their German Shepherd on their bike (seperate bikes for each of them) and I am amazed at this fact. They ride with their German Shepherd through Central America and down through South America. And, I also see that they live in Guatemala somewhere and that they outsource the labor to local Mayan women and make these gorgeous Mayan dog collars and leashes (and maybe some other things). I want one! So, a few years back I buy Cannoli, my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel one of these beautiful, hand made collars. It's not cheap but it is so worth it. It is beautiful and Cannoli has been wearing it ever since.

Rewind a few days ago and my girlfriend Lauren says "I think those people we bought the collar from a few years ago are in that town you are in on Lake Atitlan. Have you seen them?". I responded that I haven't and most likely I won't see them. But yeah, I think you are right about them living on Lake Atitlan. Not sure if it is Panajachel but I do think they live and operate "Ruff on the Road' from here. You should look them up, she says and I responded that the chances of me seeing them are close to nothing.

So as you can figure out, as life can sometimes be, it is full of the best surprises.

As "Moxie", the German Shepherd runs past me and I see this couple approaching in my rear view mirror, I turn around as I sit on my bike and they beat me to the punch and say "hello". They saw my bike and were wondering where I'm coming from.

But before I can answer them, I put it together. "Wait. Just wait. Are you guys Ruff on the Road?".

"We are!".

I just started laughing and told them that I thought so when I saw the GSD run past me with the collar.

What are the chances?!?!

As Moxie swims way out into Lake Panajachel chasing after those ducks they shake my hand and introduce themselves.

"I bought a collar for Cannoli years ago from you guys! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you here!".

We talked for a very long time and they were the coolest couple ever. We talked about their travels with Moxie on the bike, places in Guatemala we've been, they told me how to take scenic roads towards El Salvador tomorow and they were so gracious to invite me to stay with them as I make my way back up here. As they talked with me the sun set behind them and in my view behind the volcanoes of Lago Atitlan. Truly a magical and once in a lifetime experience that I won't ever forget.

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What a memorable experience before I depart tomorrow for El Salvador and the Route of Flowers (La Ruta de las Flores). Life can be so great sometimes.

And as chance would have it, somehow I bumped into my dear friend Cisco from Guatemala City that I rode with last I was here in the Super Mercado down the street today. As I was entering the supermarket with plans to buy some bananas, platanos, apples and some other things I saw this big ol' BMW bike out front. Who can that belong to? They must be in this supermarket. As I'm looking at toothpaste trying to decide the cheapest, I see this guy standing at the end of the aisle looking at me with a do rag thing on. Holy shit, freakin Cisco, I laughed. We talked for a while about plans to meet up later. What a day!!!